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Old 11-24-2007, 02:54 AM
ConstantineX ConstantineX is offline
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Default A Personal Challenge To The Forum

What's the least harmful policy on the other side that you would half-heartedly support if you get almost all of your political views or platform immediately enacted? Basically, what are some of the least bad ideas you disagree with but wouldn't mind so much?

On the leftish side,
Better unemployment benefits between cyclical jobs (switching from a "factory" job to a modern "service" job) and subsidized higher education like NSF funding.

At first I thought Universal Health Care, but then changed my mind quickly. I think UHC would do a pretty good job at providing healthcare to people who need present treatments RIGHT NOW, but would put a huge brake on medical innovation. People really have no concept of how much better healthcare is going to be in the next couple of decades; it's going to be a damn revolution, and the hidden cost of UHC now is the unseen dead in the future.

On the conservative side,

I think religious morality is given a bad rap by those who can see it's not objective. I think conservatives have a strong case for the importance of the family with the associated "values" - it explains a whole lot of the black-white test gap, for example.

What's yours?
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