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Old 11-27-2007, 05:48 PM
gonores gonores is offline
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Default Re: An EDF Introspective: S.R.E.A.M.

I know you don't want to get into the "its natural" argument because there isn't a good argument there. But that's about it. Your purpose as a member of the species, ultimately, is to keep the species going. You do this by having sex. Therefore, sex drive is built in, or evolved in, or however you want to look at it.

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OK, as long as you can agree with what I am about to write, I think all that needs to be said about "it's natural" argument will have been said.

1. Many people have sex for bad reasons and for reasons they don't understand.
2. The "it's natural" argument suggests that the motivations rooted in sex are completely out of our own control.
3. The people referenced in point 1 would gravitate toward using point 2 as a rationalization to perpetuate their unhealthy behaviors.
4. These people would benefit from from having point 2 disproven (something I can't do). They would benefit from that because it would make them more likely to understand why they view sex the way they do.
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