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Old 04-22-2007, 03:40 PM
nuclear500 nuclear500 is offline
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Default Re: achieving high resolution on MAME roms

Because quite frankly, sound technology has not nearly grown as display technology. Sound effects have no 'scaling' factor. You are hearing exactly what you expect, you are seeing something that you have not seen for probably 10 years and the game is older then that.

Unless theres actually something wrong with MAME and your display or the ROM itself, you are seeing exactly the same thing that was on the arcade / TV screen from 15+ years ago.

If you could take some sshots if you really feel its not right, I'm sure others might chime in as to whether there actually is something that can be done, but I am almost 100% positive that you are hearing and seeing exactly the same thing as the original. A ROM is a literal bit for bit copy of the actual, well, ROM, in the console cartridge.
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