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Old 11-21-2007, 03:32 PM
MrWookie MrWookie is offline
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Default Re: PETA documentary last night

I wouldn't pay x more for my meat to ensure the animal wasn't tortured because, to my knowledge, current standard butchering practices are already up to my standards for quick and humane. It's not like slaughterhouses want to spend an hour torturing a cow before they kill it. That's not only sadistic, it's not cost effective. It's much cheaper to kill the animal as quickly and painlessly as possible. Now, I can't necessarily speak for the living conditions of animals at some factory farms, but that's the only place where I might have some objections, and many farmers care for their animals in a perfectly respectable manner. The PETA folk will show you horrific images and tell you all kinds of tales, both of which are often extremely isolated, exaggerated, staged, or outright false. I don't support the outright torture of animals, but it's not the standard for today's farming. If it was, I'd consider paying more for happy meat, but I'm not going to bother to pay more for a little extra insurance that the animals were treated just the same as the cheaper meat.
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