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Old 11-01-2007, 04:07 PM
Tuff_Fish Tuff_Fish is offline
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Default Re: THE Tuff Fish DC trip report

hi tuff - skimmed through the report mostly. Nice pics.

Saw some line you had about players needing to get off their backside if they want it regulated in the U.S., etc etc.
IMO the PPA needs to do a better job of getting this out of their own people.
I'm now a member of the PPA and am pretty disappointed. They don't tell me anything. They have so many members and THEY should be rallying the troops and keeping me informed.

I think I have received ONE e-mail from them since joining and it pretty much was an 'update' that said nothing.

So they bring some people into DC to meet with various politicians. If I knew nothing about this beforehand then I'm guessing many people in the DC/VA/MD area who would be interested in participating didn't know either.

Maybe it was on their website. Don't know because I haven't looked at it in awhile. But they can do a lot more with the 800k membership they currently have imo and need to be the ones reaching out to them somewhat.
The membership base WILL respond in kind if the PPA shows they are competent in rallying their troops and keeping them informed.

With the ease of communication in the 21st century with such interesting inventions as e-mail I really don't think this is an outlandish suggestion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, the PPA can do a better job of communicating. They know it and they will. However, everyone else has to be proactive if they want to help out. I cannot see how you could have missed the noise of the upcoming trip if you even casually glanced at this legislative forum once in a while. There was a lot of chatter about it.

If you want to do something, e-mail John Pappas and tell him what you want to do. I suggest you get 10 local poker players together and buttonhole your local congressman when he comes home. The PPA will tell you how to go about it most effectively.

I can't do it for you.

John Pappas can't do it for you.

But if you want to do something, there are a lot of folks who will help you out.

If most poker players leave it to the PPA to drag them along, the overall effort is at risk. Players need to be activist.

ATTENTION PPA! Your communication could be better.

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