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Old 10-30-2007, 03:02 PM
Jon1000 Jon1000 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 362
Default Re: Spanish Speakers: Recommend me some good Spanish-language books

Borges - Ficciones if you like El Aleph

Also, I was in a really similar spot compared to you when I took some classes in college. I could read and write better than most, and my vocab was great in written work, but when I had to speak in conversation, I would always revert back to safe vocabulary b/c otherwise I would stumble over certain conjugations, relatively unused vocab, etc. The thing that got me over the hump wasn't even speaking with a language partner. It was the mandatory tape recorder. Everyday we had to talk about something uninterrupted for 3-8 min, transcribe our errors, then roughly repeat what we said, making sure to correct the errors we caught. It might not help you as much as me, but something about it just clicked.
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