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Old 11-30-2007, 12:28 PM
dylan's alias dylan's alias is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Re: PDT 2/2 : Why has tipping increased?

I think Dids (and some others) have unintentionally hit on the real reason that tips are increasing.

While the relative wealth of the country has increased, the average person's perception of their own wealth has disproportionately increased. That is, people have a very inflated sense of their own worth. Savings are miniscule and debt (mortgages, credit cards) has skyrocketed. In addition, cash is less commonly used.

All of these factors combine to convince the tipper that:
1 - they have more wealth than they actually do
2 - there is a never ending money stream (borrowing) that is without cost or risk
3 - like casino chips, it is much easier to write down a bigger number on a credit card receipt than it is to count out the cash

There are some, like Dids, who tip big because it makes them feel good to help out the worker. I think more people tip big because it makes them feel like a big shot and the ramifications are hidden.

I'll paraphrase Woody Allen, from an old stand-up routine:

"I got a role playing god. I was a method actor, so I started tipping big, because I knew he would."
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