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Old 11-30-2007, 04:32 PM
Thug Bubbles Thug Bubbles is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 452
Default Re: The immigration issue (YouTube Republican debate)

All this focus on illegal immigration takes away attention on how ridiculous the process for legal immigration is.

I have a friend from Tanzania, who went to a private highschool here on full paid scholarship, graduated public highschool here and gained acceptance to a private College on full scholarship, graduated, then completed his MBA. he's been here for over a decade and now either has to get sponsorship from a company, go back to school, or get deported.

he faced idiotic stipulations for getting a job, making sponsorship near impossible (he has two degrees, business and japanese). Don't know if things changed, but there was a period a year or so ago where he couldn't find a sponored position because any place he wanted to work at was required to turn down a specific number of citizens or have a specific ammount of time where no citizens applied before they could consider him.

yeah, lets go ahead and call these [censored] xenophobes, when they're not outright racists.
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