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Old 04-23-2007, 01:03 AM
dmk dmk is offline
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Default Villagers: Breaking News!!!

No, you're not being an obvious villager just because you said you are.

No, people aren't wolves for not thinking you're an obvious villager just because you said you are.

No, people aren't morons just because they don't agree that you're an "obvious villager".

Repeating over and over that you're an obvious villager does not a villager make. In fact, its a nice and easy way to get yourself lynched. Because you're being an annoying pain in the ass.

Pet peeve #1: "I would never do [insert random BS here] as a wolf!"

Pet peeve #2: "Wow, you're such a wolf! I'm such an obvious villager!"

BTW, I suck at werewolf. Luckily I'm getting pretty tired of it so I won't be playing nearly as much anymore I don't think. Maybe.
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