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Old 11-23-2007, 02:27 PM
Melchiades Melchiades is offline
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Default Re: NL2/4 Getting resqueezed

When I read peoples replies in threads like these I sometimes think people just make up the worst possible range for villan and stop there.

Is villain really 4-betting for value and happily calling a shove with JJ here? When you all wanna fold TT? I think he is 4-betting for value with AK/AA/KK like always, and much more likely to call QQ/JJ. Sure if the meta is there he can probably happily 4-bet call with QQ often and maybe even JJ, but I think his hand is usually AA/KK/AK/bluff. Which is obviously a much better range for our hand.

You have about 40% equity vs AA/KK/AK, does he bluff enough to make the call? If he really does 4-bet JJ for value here then our equity vs his non bluffing range is only 33% though, so we need him to be bluffing a lot.
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