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Old 09-24-2007, 07:25 AM
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Default Re: Quite possibly the worst short session ever?

Statistical Perspective:
Assume 20BB/100 SD

10K 510 Hand sessions

2BB/100 winner

<pre>Title Low End High End # in Range
<-114 N/A -114 33
-114 to -91 -114 -91 86
-91 to -69 -91 -69 269
-69 to -46 -69 -46 681
-46 to -24 -46 -24 1138
-24 to -1 -24 -1 1724
-1 to 21 -1 21 1960
21 to 44 21 44 1818
44 to 67 44 67 1219
67 to 89 67 89 664
89 to 112 89 112 295
112 to 134 112 134 84
>134 134 N/A 29</pre>

.5BB/100 winner
<pre>Title Low End High End # in Range
<-122 N/A -122 33
-122 to -99 -122 -99 98
-99 to -76 -99 -76 298
-76 to -54 -76 -54 684
-54 to -31 -54 -31 1253
-31 to -9 -31 -9 1687
-9 to 14 -9 14 1946
14 to 36 14 36 1706
36 to 59 36 59 1232
59 to 82 59 82 660
82 to 104 82 104 280
104 to 127 104 127 100
>127 127 N/A 23</pre>

So in general this occurs infrequently and your win rate doesn't effect the likelihood of it happening much. So it's kind of like getting struck by lightening. Not much you can do about it. Doesn't usually happen twice
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