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Old 05-11-2007, 10:25 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: do you talk to your therapist about poker?

I talked to my last primary care doctor about it. I told him I was addicted to poker (which I was at the time but am not now). I told him about difficulties it created in my marriage (taking time from my wife and her being upset) and how I thought obsessively about the game. I was clear about the fact that I was not a run of the mill gambing addict, did not care for games of chance and played for profit, tracked my winnings, etc. He accepted my description of my involvement in poker. I told him that I did not want to address being addicted to poker and he did not offer an opinion either way.

While obsessed, and at times quite irritible when dealing with negative variance, it was not 'out of control' except for the significant amount of hours I was devoting to the game. If I was a loosing player or chased my losses I would, hopefully, been interested in seeking help.

I have seen a therapist briefly in the past, about 10 sessions. It was during a time when I was winding down from a sex addition. I went to sex and love addicts anonymous meetings around the same time, what a freakshow that was.
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