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Old 11-01-2007, 06:15 AM
Xibalba Xibalba is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 74
Default Re: marijuana use and dreams

Remembering dreams, unless you are actually actively working on it, only happens when they are vivid and hit you at some level, even if you're not aware of that level. That happens a lot when there are changes in your life, routine or whatever, and your brain is processing those changes, with results in different dreams.

I think you may have a case of mistaken cause here. Not so much that smoking weed improved or whatever your dreams, but that the fact that your routine has changed created more vivid/weird dreams and since your brain is processing the different routine into your life/physiology or whatever, you have focused more on those dreams.

Also, I suppose, the fact that you no longer smoke all the time means that you are in an "altered" state from the one you know how to operate/live from, even if that altered state is normal for others, so perhaps that also helps you remember dreams. Not so much they changed, but since you are changing, you relate to them differently.

In other news, it's like 4 am so all I type is subject to [censored] detectors.
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