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Old 10-23-2007, 07:22 AM
JammyDodga JammyDodga is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default Re: A5s in blind battle.

OK, one last try. I PMed you because I'd responded in depth to your points, but I really dont think you even bothered to read my post.

The theory we are talking about is already adjusted for the amount of FE we have. Saying that playing from marginal EV spots is dependent on the "ecosystem" just makes no sense.

OK, simple model. Very simplified, the EV in a certain hand is a function of a specific play (X) and the "Player Ecosystem" (E)

EV = f(X,E)

I'm saying that any play where EV is positive is a good play. If I change E, which plays are profitable will change. Some plays will become more profitable, some will become less. I'm not denying this. But those plays which now become, or are still marginally porfitable should still be made.

The ecosystem has no bearing on this.

If E includes FE, which you seem to focus on, then sure the amount of FE we have will effect which plays are nor profitable. But profitable plays will still be profitable, and they should always be made...

OK, now I'm done.
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