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Old 10-15-2007, 04:21 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Default Re: Why \"Would You . . .\" Questions are All BS

Ok, they're not *totally* BS.

I mean the "Would you run into a burning building to save a baby" type questions. I've asked my share of these. And they can be useful in examining your personal feelings on the pros and cons of various ethical/moral situations.

But anyone who says they definitely would do this or they certainly would do that under such and such circumstances is deluding themselves. You are not in that choice situation. You can say anything you like now in your swivel chair, but it has little bearing on what preferences or value scale you would actually demonstrate in the actual situation.

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The 'would you rather be buried alive or burned alive' type question have very little to do with morality. The point of these situations is to mindfuck you. If reality is like that then the actual moral problems are to be found somewhere else entirely.
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