Thread: Dexter 203
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Old 10-15-2007, 02:25 PM
Azizal Azizal is offline
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Default Re: Dexter 203

Really good episode, I thought the heroin addiction NA plot would suck, when they introduced it in episode two, but it was really good this episode. Loved the scene where he killed the car dealer. Deb's plot was really obvious and predictable, but meh. I don't get why LaGuerta didn't turn in Pascal, I'm guessing she has some hidden family baggage as well.

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This show is great. I think it's the most promising show of the fall season.

I think Pascal is opportunistic about getting her old job back. But she also has a chip on her shoulder because she is in a "man's world" and she knows that Esme is in the same boat with her. They are double minorities who are keenly aware that much of law enforcement is the old boys network. She sees herself and Esme as kindred and selling her out is not something she wants to do.

Pascal also really hates the captain.

I also thought the NA plot line was worrisome when they introduced it, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The characters in this show have so much depth. Even the peripheral ones.
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