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Old 11-30-2007, 01:55 AM
BaldElephant BaldElephant is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 34
Default Re: Evaluation of Ms in Financial Eng for trading job

WTF if financial engineering??? Not to be an elitist engineer, but the term "financial engineer" is misleading and would probably be illegal in Canada. I mean, I can definitely see where finances fit in with engineering and they are super important to engineering projects, but the traditionalist in me says that financial engineering is not engineering at all. I'm semi-serious about this.

OK that issue aside, the first link (rmi) indicates that you need to take 10 courses. That's quite a bit for a MSc. I assume that it is course based? That would make some sense in that case. If it's thesis based, that is A LOT of courses.

As for the second program... How many courses would you have to take? That list seems to indicate that you need to take all of those courses?!? I didn't count, but that seems like 20+ courses?!? That would be totally ridiculous.

Question: Are you originally from the country that these programs are located in? If so, cool. If not... Could be some issues there? Not to say that your education wouldn't be great, but that there can sometimes be issues with getting foreign degrees accepted in the North America.

Best wishes.
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