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Old 11-16-2007, 04:35 PM
JMAnon JMAnon is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: Law and Math Combo?

As a successful big-firm lawyer, I can assure you that math skills are very valuable among attroneys, especially because they are scarce. Having a math degree will not help get you in the door, because most attorneys understimate the value having strong math skills, but once you are in, ths skills will pay huge dividends. A litigator will be able to use math skills to more effectively predict settlement values and to be able to work with and to effectively impeach expert witnesses. On the corporate side, a sound knowledge of math will help you communicate with the business people at the clients.

Also, being older when you start your law career is a big advantage, IMO. You will be more mature and better able to relate to the senior associates and partners with whom you are working.
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