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Old 11-20-2007, 04:37 PM
Pat Southern Pat Southern is offline
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Default Re: Review of the first trial

Rob sent me the study materials a day or two early but I didn't get a chance to look at them prior to arriving at his place. As such, the lessons were pretty much broken down with me reading on the couch, and if anything in his book didn't make complete sense to me I'd ask him. From there I would take a quiz sometimes, and then we would go onto sweat/implementation. I loved the structure of this because I would read his ideas then see how they work in practice, and he would reinforce the ideas and note where I was straying from his conventional wisdom.

I'll give my grades based on each part of Rob's program, which is broken into 5 parts:
1. Approach to the game (C+)
2. Preflop (A+++)
3. Flop (A-)
4. Turn (B-)
5. River (C+)

1. Approach to the game.
Pretty basic stuff here, nothing that would make a lightbulb go off (at least for me). Maybe if somebody has problems with structuring their play, or has hardcore tilt problems it could help get their mind right.
2. Preflop.
Completely revolutionized my game. Made me realize how I was making mistakes and missing out on tons of EV. Since all later streets hinge on preflop play its pretty important also. Also since this was the first section we got to spend every sweat session analyzing this. I think part of the reason I loved it so much is because I had so much time to talk to Rob about it.
3. Flop
Again, very good stuff. Not as revolutionary as preflop, but definately found tons of spots where my play was not in line with optimal play. Had quite a bit of time to discuss it with Rob as well.
4/5. Turn and River
As I reread Rob's book I may find more pearls of wisdom in here than I found while in Boston. The main problem was that we didn't get much time to discuss/implement his ideas. The last day or two he was busy with the launch of his coaching site and didn't have his full time to devote to coaching me. Although I would have preferred a little more attention from him in these aspects, due to extenuating circumstances, I had been out there for a little longer than his original 3 day plan outlined in the OP, so I can't blame him for that really.

Overall it was definately a positive experience, and definately worth doing.

(Graphs or it didn't happen). Main difference is now green>blue.

Graph from before Rob's program

Graph during/Since Rob's program (he gives you a complimentary luckbox too)

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