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Old 10-15-2007, 04:40 PM
ZeeJustin ZeeJustin is offline
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Default Re: Why does it matter if Hitler was atheist/Christian...??

So Zee, your point being that God is a negative on the world?

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This is actually a thoughtful question, so I'll take the time to answer it.

My personal belief is of course that there is no God, and it's a very strong belief to put it mildly.

I think the idea of God helped society a great deal, especially in the first millennium.

Last century, however, things changed, and the idea of God has become extremely destructive to our modern society.

My favorite example of this is the whole premarital sex thing. This was a great rule before we had contraceptives, but now it just prevents people from experiencing the greatest feeling in the world.

Our society has advanced to the point where we have enough power to govern ourselves, and don't need an ill-founded set of morals. Furthermore, I think those morals are terrible. Have you ever read any of the old testament? Rules about when rape, slavery, and murder are not only ok, but mandatory.

Even forgetting those, here are some rules/beliefs that are still followed today:

No premarital sex.

Gays are bad.

If someone doesn't follow your beliefs, you should first try to convert them, and if you can't, then you must kill them (This is actually a surprisingly common Muslim belief)

Condoms don't prevent aids (Thanks to Pope John Paul II, this one was a MAJOR cause in leading to the spread of aids in Africa)

Furthermore, the entire foundation of faith in religion discourages truth, in this is becoming especially destructive in terms of scientific and medical advances. Not having evolution taught in every school across the world is just a complete joke.

I could go on, but I think I've summed up my beliefs enough.

I guess I should mention the idea of God also does a lot of good, but in the past 100 years, the scale has tilted HEAVILY in favor of the bad.
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