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Old 10-02-2007, 02:15 PM
hamsamich hamsamich is offline
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Default Re: Post your dentist beats

Long time ago I get the pain signaling that a trip to the dentist is unavoidable. I hate dentists more than just about any other kind of doctor and that is saying quite a bit coming from my family history.

Quick example....five years ago my father had a heart attack (his second) which eventually led to a three day hospital stay and an angioplasty to avoid open heart surgery. He had the heart attack at 10am and didn't go to the ER until 6:30pm.

So I go to a dentist that uses sweet air/novocain for the cowards (OP raises both hands and begins waiving them in a Forest Gump like fashion). They whack me up with six shots of novie and I make them turn the nitros up just to the south side of passing out/puking. The second the evil bastard puts his hands in my mouth every molecule in my body explodes in a level of pain I cannot fully describe with the tools that spoken language affords me. The closest comparison I can give is when I was 17 my appendix had to be removed but it took the hospital almost 14 hours to diagnose me and they could not give me anything for the pain in the interim because they weren't sure it wouldn't complicate whatever the problem was. I would rate that pain about a 2 compared with a 10 of what this was.
It was so bad that as I got up from the chair without even realizing what I was doing I was taking a swing at the SOB. I missed (thankfully) and walked out of the place. I had also ALREADY paid about $400 for the work he was doing and didn't care.

Like two days (and two gallons of later I went to a dental surgeon and got put to sleep and had all the work I needed done in one shot. I have never had any dental work since then without going to sleep.

My anxiety going to a dentist is so over the top, the last time I went to have a tooth pulled they had to wait 45 minutes AFTER hooking me up to the IV to administer the drugs to put me out because my heart rate was so elevated they were afraid something would go wrong.
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