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Old 11-20-2007, 03:29 PM
Max Raker Max Raker is offline
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Default Re: The Life Cycle of a Poker Player (and my thoughts on live vs onlin


Let me take a giant leap and compare skill levels across two entirely different games, poker and chess. It seems to me that in poker, no one has ever reached the level of mastery reached by the top chess players. The level of skill that Gary Kasparov in his prime exhibited on a chess table has never been matched by anyone on the green felt. This is open to argument, but I believe it to be obviously true and I think there is a deep reason for it. Poker wears people down.

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I liked everything you wrote but this. Poker is not very good at distinguishing between people of similar levels of skill. Chess is VERY good at this, I think I would have a much better chance at playing Antonius heads up for like a year and being up then a chess player beating somebody a thousand points higher in a tournament. I don't see how anybody could ever separate themselves so much from all the other poker players.
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