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Old 12-01-2007, 07:00 AM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: The immigration issue (YouTube Republican debate)

is there any discussion of reforming the path for legal citizenship?

Also, aside from security issues, is there truely any justifiable reason to dislike immigration? I ask people "Why should I want a random american whom i've never met have better opportunities than a random foreigner living in america whom i've never met?" I'm usually met with blank stares.

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No kidding. I think it is basically 'patriotic' (whatever that is- and this is coming from soneone who used to have 'it' at least to some degree) brainwashing. It is a vague concept that is I think hard to articulate, and most people who 'have it' have never even reasoned why they should have it and why it is better than other ways of looking at the world and the human population of the world, let alone actively debated why it is superior. I think it will all come down to rhetoric if they tried.

When I asked my father a similar question a while back during a discussion about immigration (mine was why should I care about a random person born in locatioin A more than a random person born in location B?) His acutal response was: "I don't even know what that means." LOL
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