Thread: child birth
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:12 AM
Siegmund Siegmund is offline
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Default Re: child birth

Alternatively.... one could point to the lower-than-replacement birth rates in most of the developed world... and comment on how evolution has to 'trick' women into getting pregnant easily - since, when they are given the choice, too few of them choose to let it happen.

I think if you polled the average fundamentalist, he'd say he believed that having babies early and often was the divine plan for women and we shouldn't be tampering with it.

I don't hold with the fundamentalists... but I DO think the evidence is overwhelming against OP's position - that if there is a God or an intelligent design, he would make sure that conception was easy and moderately unexpected, specifically to prevent selfish sentient creatures from avoiding it. (Alternatively, he could have built in a big enough carrot/stick -- say, "if you have a child before age 25, you will live to be 75, but otherwise you will die at 25" to cause the selfish sentient to want babies.)
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