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Old 11-30-2007, 01:20 PM
Moseley Moseley is offline
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Default Re: The immigration issue (YouTube Republican debate)

Can someone explain to me why the Republicans seem to be so rabid about the immigration issue? It seems to be the #1 issue on republican voters' list (even above Iraq, terrorism, the economy). So much so, that the crowd was booing a national hero (McCain, one of the few who actually tried to attack the problem with something other than rhetoric), because he suggested that deporting every illegal immigrant might not be a workable solution.

What percentage of this issue is just racism, do you think?

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I think only a small part of it has to do with racism; that small part of the public who are racists.

I saw last night on fox, where one state recently passed a law against illegal immigrants, that was so strong, the illegals packed up and left and it brought much of the construction industry to a halt. They interviewed new would be homeowners, who will not be in their new home by xmas as they had hoped.

Those are not jobs that citizens will not take.

About a yr ago, I saw on Lou Dobbs, where in the mid 90s the avg butcher in a meat processing plant made $16.50 pr hr. Now they make $9.50 an hr.

Who do you think was doing the job in the mid 90s and who is doing it now?

Dobbs cited a report, that if we were paying the butchers from the mid 90s (Americans) and adjusted their hourly wage for inflation, it would cost us approx 10-15 cents more per pound.

There are a couple of the reasons why citizens are so rabid about illegal immigrants. There are many more.

Now I DO NOT hold the same view as many: Deport all 12 million of them asap!

I believe, as McCain does, that they are human beings just like us. I believe the only reason they came here is because they saw a way to obtain a better life.

The only reason they saw that: American businesses were willing to break the law to increase their profit margin at the expense of American citizens.

The hatred for this mess should be directed towards:
1. The federal gov't & 2. The employers.

If I was living south of the border, had a family I couldn't give a decent life to because of the crooked govt and saw a way out up north, I would have packed my bags also.

So, I believe we need to build a double fence all the way across the southern border asap. Then, once we have frozen the illegal immigration, we can discuss melting the 12 million immigrants into society. You can't pack them up and send them home, when it was our govt and our crooked employers who made it so tempting for them to come.

Finally, we have all (except those who lost their jobs because of illegal immigration) benefited from lower prices from their cheap labor.

So, when I see a construction co. full of what could possibly be illegals doing the labor, my hatred is directed towards the contractor, not the brown colored laborer who has risked so much to make it here and get employed by the criminal who calls himself an American.

My feelings toward the immigrant: God Bless you and your success.

FINALLY: My next door neighbor is a bookkeeper for a mexican restaurant chain, that hires numerous illegals. They have fake ss numbers and she gets letters from the SSA all the time about them not matching.

Three years ago, the owner did 10 months in prison for paying people under the table. When he got out, he found out that what the govt wants is the taxes, not proof he is hiring legal citizens.

Now all the illegals pay taxes, including SS taxes and he has not heard from the fed despite the fact that the SSA sends him mismatched SS number letters every month.
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