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Old 10-24-2007, 02:18 PM
sillysal sillysal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 53
Default Re: Fulltilt froze my account with 47 grand in it

It might be because you use 2 accounts...
grego777 and pokergirl z

-Crazy Mike

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Just deny that this is not true, makes me feel better when you lie to me more.

-Crazy Mike

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You would think a denial of multiaccounting would have been in the response. My guess is that a) sillysal did something that broke the t&c of Full Tilt, but that it is not worth taking the full 47k or b) a player who did a chargeback lost a bunch of money to her. I'm speculating here, obviously, but I like to believe that these account lockings are not unsubstantiated in the majority of cases.

The issue, of course, is the length of time needed to conduct an investigation. I doubt this concerns a giant web of accounts that takes weeks to investigate. If there are other accounts involved that are sandbagging, this is the only acceptable reason for the length of time for the investigation.

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To answer your question. No, I do not have 2 accounts .. now does that cover all the denials. Just to let you know I've been attacked by Gatorade for many many years. I rebuffed his romantic advaces and this turned the poor liitle boy into the raving lunatic he is today. That anyone here actually still listens to him is beyond me. For the most part I think people find him as annoying as I do. Clearly from the posts , he's not respected. Enough about him. Back to the matter on hand.

Whatever the case may be, it is taking them far too long to resovle this issue. If I had 2 accounts that would not warrant the freezing of 47 grand. check out the rules on the site. if that were the case this would have been resolved LONG AGO. If I were a bot, They certianly would have shut me down by now and not frozen but taken my money. I have not been chip dumping for if that were the case that too would have been resolved far quicker than this. That FTP has not given me a logical explanation as to why they are coducting this investigation, nor a reasonable time frame in which it is to be conducted is at the crux of the original post.

I fully expect this to be resolved in my favor. The problem is just how much longer are they going to hold my money and will I ever get an explanation and more importantly. Is this going to happen to me again?
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