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Old 01-19-2007, 01:16 PM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default So who\'s REALLY behind this anti-online gaming push?

When the various anti-online gaming measures were brought up last year and the one eventually passed (as a rider on a port security bill, ugh) most of the ire was directed towards extremist relgious whackos and politicans that were pandering to them.

This is true to a certain extent, when you ask most fundamentalist Christain conservative types if they are against online gambling most will say yes.

However compared to other issues (such as gay marriage, abortion, etc.) this issue is VERY low priority on this group's agenda.

When low priority issues like this exists, there is some lip service paid, but very little actually done.

The fact that anti-online gambling measures are being so actively enforced (it would seem, with the high profile arrests over the past few months) it makes me think more is afoot.

There has to be some group(s) who really really want to go after online gambling, as a high priority issue.

I personally think it's the B&M casino industry (Vegas, Indian gaming, etc.).

Obviously certain politicans see this as a win/win situations. Take money from the anti-online gaming lobby, pass and enforce laws to pay them back, and then say at the end of the day you "did it for the children" throwing the relgious groups (as mentioned above) a bone.

Thoughts, questions, flames?
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