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Old 10-28-2007, 05:39 PM
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Default Long Game Theme Repository

Between the games on POG and the games on USG, I figured it would be a good idea to compile a list of theme suggestions for mods to choose from. Since I started playing poker again, I need something to do while not at the tables. It might help kick start a few more games.

DMK's game should be over in a few days. USG is having AS2 (un-themed) and CPFB's Game (theme already chosen) within the next 2-3 weeks. Nez is probably running another game there after those. I'm not able to play in any USG games because I still need to be around with database access in case of any problems. That means my playing is limited to POG games for a decent amount of time. Someone please start a new WW long game here within the next week or two. Thanks.

Two themes that I came up with so far:

Managers/Owners Theme - People like Pete Rose, the guy from Enron, etc. versus people like Bill Gates (who finds the owner of Intel to create a new CPU), and so on. The possibilites are endless.

Austin Powers Theme - I don't think this has been used yet. It's pretty much self explanatory.

If you have any good ideas for themes, add them to the list. If you want to run a game with one of the themes from this thread, that's fine...first to post gets the theme. Anyone caught stealing themes from here without permission will be killed!

List To Add To:

Austin Powers
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