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Old 06-22-2007, 08:45 PM
KPL KPL is offline
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Default LC: Coaching Directory

In the Medium Stakes forum they have a coaching directory sticky. What about making something like this in STT? I know some of the people here are coaching, and spending some cash on this is a very good opportunity to improve as a player. Both the link above and offers SNG coaches, but I'm sure that there is better players/coaches for the game that are browsing STTF, and may "advertise" in a link, than the coaches both MSNL and Cardrunners may offer (on coaching SNGs, that is...).

If there isn't any love for the idea among the moderators, perhaps we can share our experience in this thread? (But don't use it to trash bad coaches you have had - I'm sure that they will run out of customers anyway if they don't have any happy ones...).

I begin: I had a coaching session with Bluefeet, and it helped my game tremendously, both in a strategic way, and psychological as well (especially regarding self esteem, believing how I'm playing the game etc.). He doesn't do coaching anymore, but I hope other people can share their experience.
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