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Old 11-29-2007, 02:18 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Re: Understanding the Social Security scam


I see that the only thing you or TomCollins has as an alternative is to get rid of social security. I doubt that anyone else has any other ideas regarding what to do with the excess being paid to the trust fund either btw.

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Incorrect, as I clearly stated in another post. Of course, I would prefer that there was no social security. However, I think the following alternatives are better than the current system.

Social Security is not a retirement plan or a welfare plan for poor seniors, it is a government entitlement program funded by revenue to the government. Getting rid of the payroll tax is better than the current system. I think individual accounts would be even better. An opt-out system would be best.

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So in case that was too confusing, the following is what I would prefer, in order of best to worst. There are some ideas that could be combined, so I didn't make a full matrix.

1) Scrap social security entirely by buying out seniors with annuities.
2) Have social security as an opt-out system paid for by those in the program.
3) Individual accounts where individuals OWN their retirements, but they are controlled by the government.
4) Partial individual control.
5) Current system without payroll taxes.
6) Current system.

And you say I don't have alternatives?

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Alternatives with what to do with the excess money being paid to the trust fund. I already realize that you'd like to change the system drastically. I would too but that's not what I was asking.

Edit: I'd be interested in knowing if you though SS would be significantly less of a scam if the excess money was lent to the European Economic Union. I realize that maintaining the current system is your least preferred alternative and this wouldn't change that.

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It would be considerably less of a scam since you are investing in something rather than writing IOUs to yourself.
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