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Old 11-29-2007, 03:56 PM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Is Neo-Atheism The Way to Go? [Poll]

That just isn't true. Many, many believers are very ecumenical. They believe in a divinity that is legitimately accessed through all sorts of religions.

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How does that make it untrue?
It's just a different claim of the traits of their god, just as any other believer claims they know theirs.

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The OP made a blanket statement that religionists do not tolerate difference, "it's their way or the highway," was his claim. In fact, many religionists do not believe their method is special, correct, or privileged in any way, it's simply the way they are used to worshiping.

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They don't think their belief is correct but they believe it anyway? And these are the people I'm supposed to give respect to their ideas ( or them for holding them)? I seriously do have more respect/understanding for someone who sticks to believing those things they think are true, even the more wacko ones. The other approach is bold-faced self-delusion worse than normal intellectual dishonesty. It's openly admitting "I believe it because I want/need it to be true". No respect for that here.

are you sure they don't believe it's correct?
( I'm not questioning the polite/impolite, but the concept of which fantasies are more deserving of respect than other similar ones).

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