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Old 07-19-2006, 03:26 PM
bdaddy bdaddy is offline
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Default Re: Adjusting to Perennial Cold-Callers

This game is so juicy it's silly. I think Amulet's advice is spot on for this game, except to adjust your preflop standards to a loose aggressive game. Isolating EP limpers just isnt going to happen most of the time.
Alan- why are you concerned about someone cold calling your AK raise with KQos or QJos in small pots? This is exactly what makes this game profitable. There are some LAG's who play fairly well after the flop, but not enough to take away from the sick profitabilty in this game.
I would just continue to play solid poker in this game and maybe look for some marginal situations to float bad players and outplay them after the flop and recoup some of the implied odds. Also, use of the OVERS buttons, which are often in play, can help to quickly make up some of the implied odds in these marginal situations, like your 22 example.
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