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Old 10-02-2007, 04:05 PM
midas midas is offline
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Default Re: College Kid Debating about MBA Program


One observation - you are all over the place - what do you want to actually do? Trading is at the opposite end of the fiancial universe compared to wealth management.

1. Never believe the college rankings they are mostly crap - what you really care about is what firms interview on campus in the sectors that you care about.

2. I always thought that IU was better with Corporations rather than financial institutions. I'm sure the big IBs all recruit there but what are they recruiting for - back office?

3. 5 yr MBA programs are generally a bad move - when I was a corp fin analyst for a major IB - we had a 1st year associate from one of these programs and he washed out - he couldn't handle the job or the pressure at his age. Get some work experience.

4. Get your grades up and get some relevant work experience. 3.4 may not make the cut for the better jobs unless you have great work experience.

5. Travel during the summer after your senior year then get a job. Its very rough to get back in the job flow after taking a year off.
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