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Old 09-10-2007, 03:14 PM
Genz Genz is offline
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Default Re: PNL Study Group Day 7: The REM Process \"Intro\" and \"R is for Range


When it comes to hand reading, most tutorials are like: "you start with a bunch of hands, then you add and subtract from them." So they imply that you really go ahead and be like "55+, AJo+, ATs+, KQ, KJs" etc. etc. I find this pretty hard to do and often even confusing and misleading since I feel like I waste a lot of time on thinking about hands that don't matter, i.e. big broadways that miss.
In one of your examples, you state a range more like "any Ace, any K, any pair, set, draw, air", i.e. in a more general way. So how do you really go about that? How detailed is your thinking about individual holdings? Or do you just think of classes of hands (TP decent kicker, set, air) and try to remember the implications of hand distributions?

This really troubles me, because I find the detailed way ineffective and I can't learn things that I consider sub-optimal. Yet every theory posts repeats it although in praxis most people seem to think differently.
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