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Old 11-27-2007, 02:15 PM
supafrey supafrey is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 317
Default Re: chopsticks, fried rice, white people

Between having an asian gf for years and growing up in Toronto, using chopsticks becomes pretty standard pretty quickly. Getting the "want fork?!" question at the noodle bar in every casino has been one thing, but laughing at people purposefully trying to use a fork as some social statement against my relationship has been a fun ride.

When some ugly chinese guy comes to my table and sees me with my gf, I (and only myself) often get asked if I want a fork. Sorry dude, I TOTALLY know my gf would be falling all over you if it weren't for this one white guy you're trying to shoot down by angrily handing him a utensil as you work minimum wage.. *grumble*.

Women are usually more polite and only give them on request, 'cept when I've gone to super traditional places and they either judge me or literally have little to no gwi-lo experience.
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