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Old 07-06-2007, 03:46 AM
Kuso Kuso is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 353
Default Re: PLO8 Making A Comeback?

hhhmmm... you've narrowed down your range enough to where i think i can guess who you are. check your pm.

if you are who i think you are, then i think you're an aggro player who is too aggro. the best part is that i think you'll think i'm a donkey for saying that... heehaaawwww! regardless, you (or the player i think you are) play with a bunch of people who don't know how to handle aggression, so you make good bank.

from an equity perspective, some of the 100plo8 games have become a bit strange. that is, some of the players are really bad, and they'll get their money in thinking that they're equity is on one side (e.g., stupid end of a str8, baby flush, 3rd low, etc.), when in reality they are dominated one way and have much more equity the other (e.g., a janky low, TP on a low board, etc.). some of these people are so bad that they don't know where their equity is. the problem is that their stupidity is in just the right sweet spot so that they don't go totally broke at a rapid rate. this is both the beauty and the frustration of plo8, imho.
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