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Old 10-13-2007, 05:12 AM
tame_deuces tame_deuces is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Default Re: how many people would you kill to save your child\'s life?

i think this thread might have been done before, but not in this forum. You can push a button and it will kill a bunch of random or your child dies. What is the highest number of people you would kill to save your child?

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Stop advocating murder through insane plots that have nothing to do with reality.

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why doesn't this have to do with reality?

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A machine once built that tries to murder your child unless it murders a random number of other people and you are somehow in control of the number generator?

And you are seriously asking me what this does not have to do with reality?

how am i advocating murder?

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1. Make people believe that life is about kill or be killed; and leave this assumption unquestioned.

2. Portray aggression as self-defense.

It's a standard collectivist tool.

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Dude, you are seriously a lunatic. It's called a throught experiment, of course it isn't set in "reality". You pick the dumbest times to be a nit.

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If I were to judge, it seemed like an obvious attempt to move the discussion over to something else.

And I find these little ethical puzzles interesting, because seen objectively the obvious answer would have to be 0 (well if we disregard a 'random' person's suspected quality of life > child's quality and other purely calculative equations etc.), because killing one person without due cause is no better than killing another one. But these little puzzles reveal that killing is far from unthinkable.

I believe most people are more than capable of killing to save themselves, their own and their (atleast the necessary) property, and some are more than capable at killing for less. I'm not some freudian mudslinger who we have 'violent instincts' buried deep in our minds either - I think it is fairly out in the open.
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