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Old 07-25-2007, 02:21 PM
APXG APXG is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 484
Default Re: Starting a mutual fund

The amount of lols in this thread is actually more retarded than the OP post.


Why not just play poker for 3-5 years for steady income, run a personal portfolio with some of the savings(if you think you're ready for that), and then decide whether to take outside money?

$200-300k should be plenty to start an audited personal fund(even if you pay $25k in fees), and if you haven't made that from poker yet, I would say its a prerequisite to your current plan given the massive amount of intangible skill(human psychology, emotional control, insatiable work ethic, etc) that even medicore success at poker helps you fortify.

Poker is a godsend for the aspiring money manager in that it allows tons of free time for independent studying / taking unpaid interships / carousing around the world, and also generates decent startup capital that can always be "re-earned" through more poker if things don't go well. And yet everyone seems to wanna throw it away to take some semi-obscure job at an i-bank where a bunch of arrogant pricks are gonna decide your fate?!?!
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