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Old 11-17-2007, 04:02 PM
zan nen zan nen is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 89
Default Re: hey hey software gurus....

Sorry that I want to be somewhat unclear about my idea, just in case it is a viable way to make money. Plus I was drunk, so I was typing worse than usual =)

I guess the question about free software is solved, but I have yet to look at holdem ranger

To clarify what I was looking for about my software idea:

- That is great that you are an experienced poster HalvSame, but are you experienced programming software for poker? Nothing about you personally, I just want to see some credentials before even discussing the details. All you would have to say is that you might be interested and would be able to help, I can search for other posts about software you have written or whatever. I would have an NDA signed before saying my idea.

- I still need to do some research on how poker sites define what is legal and what isn't. Just from occasionally scanning this forum, my impression is that bots and anything that tells you what decision to make is illegal. Anything that simply tracks player data for the user to interpret is legal. Yet, I remember having to send $.02 to opt into one site (pokerDB? I forget)... based on new rules for stars. That isn't required for OPR, then there is SS... which is basically the same thing but was banned for use. (Or you can use it just not say that you are). What is the difference between these? Probably a few simple emails to support will give me a better idea if it is legal.

- I am interested in how these tracking sites actually get all that data, but I am not looking to make a clone of anything existing. I honestly believe that it is a novel idea and would be something that almost everyone who uses software would want. Obviously, since I am asking for free software, I am not rich. Anyone interested would possibly have to work for potential profits not a fee upfront. I am not sure what sort of investment would be needed besides hiring a programmer, and well, having a website for the software I guess.

- Maybe I could just pay a fee upfront for the time spent coding it.. I will spend the time first to see if it is actually legal. There is more to it than just coding that I will have to sort out first too.. I just wondered who is out there that might want this job.... =)... TY for reading/skimming my rantings
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