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Old 05-11-2007, 02:11 AM
ipitythefool ipitythefool is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 104
Default Re: Dear Stars: Allow Datamining

I am all for Stars opening up to datamining. Not only for making sure the guard is at post but IMO it levels the field for everyone to do it if they wanted to instead of others having the advantage of doing it quietly. I don't mine stars, but that's because I'm not one for violating rules and putting my funds at risk, but i would certainly start if it was allowed.

Also, using a HUD is a choice. Use it or don't. I see it as another skill to learning the game of poker and IMO gives you a better understanding of the game. Most players don't use it effectively anyway. Does it give an advantage? Sure, but then again, that's where you choose to use it or not. In golf you have the advantage of using a tee but you have the choice of waving that advantage if you want to hit your driver off the deck all the time. In the end its simply more input for HUMAN to make choices, it doesn't tell you what to do by any means. It's like having the skills to notice the many weak/strong tells in live play, now you have an extra advantage on a player others don't, use it or don't but it's certainly not cheating.

Lastly, it seems retarded for stars to ban HUDs or mining if they are going to allow "Decision Support software" which is basically a bot that tells you what to do. This is the real change that needs to be seen in the T&Cs. The fact that this is allowed is shocking and pressure should be put on them to change that.
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