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Old 11-30-2007, 02:55 AM
keepitreal keepitreal is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

just watched on the dvr and i can barely type im so mad at the world at how much of a screw up james was tonight.

the "second level thinking" comment above is so damn true. how could james NOT strategize ever the entire show. even erik, who has strategized never is more of a thinker than james.

james, prior to going on the show, must have watched season one on dvd and been like "oh look at that, they vote tribal lines all the way down after the merge. i get survivor strategy now. what shall i do with my millions?!?" i mean seriously, TWO IDOLS!!! if he only had one i could see him "rolling the dice" as he said because he might feel safe enough with still a few tribals to go.

still furious. i need somebody to tell me they punched a wall or something so i dont feel as bad. i really dont know why i care that this random gravedigger screwed up so bad but i liked him. he was hard working, challenge beastly (until recently) and honest/funny. he just did not know the meaning of the word strategy.

the final 10 minutes of the show were (for me, a fan of james...although i dont know why) like watching your sports team losing in the final minutes of a playoff game when all year they were flawless and seemed destined to win it all (hopefully the pats this year i hate them so much). or like unc last year in the tourney. how the frick did georgetown win that game?!?!

while i bet a lot of reactions of others are staged/reshot or pulled from different reactions, i bet all those reactions shots to his stupidity were 100% authentic.

also, if erik were a strategist, or even pg...they should gone to james. get on james' good side, eliminate an idol (pg doesnt even know there are 2 i dont think), eliminate a mastermind in todd (wrong word, moreso above average strategist), etc, etc. i havent watched many seasons but how can people not think?????????????? at all.

pg actually is the best strategist and thats not saying much. i hope all these people are really good at some obscure talent that makes them money cuz for the most part they suck at life.

also, james should sell the idols on ebay. if he gets 1/2 mil+ for each, i will call him the smartest man in the world.

also, if todd were smart, he would have still voted for pg. 7 votes. james and him for pg, denise/amanda/courtney for james, pg/erik max for todd, maybe james (like erik did).

i think in conclusion, i hope all dumb people die slow and painful deaths with no joy in their lives whatsoever.
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