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Old 08-31-2007, 10:33 PM
BowToYourSensei BowToYourSensei is offline
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Default brag: racist homeless guy (possible mspaints)

a little background. in the months after 9/11 my parents recieved death threats at work, my house was egged/tp'ed, i was egged, drive-by paintballed, my tires slashed and the windows to my car shattered (the car was also tp'ed)

i guess you can say this more or less made me immune from your standard redneck american ignorance.

which brings me to today.

i went to buy a sandwich and as i left the supermarket this homeless guy in a TO jersey pushing a cart yelled at me "GO BACK TO IRAQ, [censored]!" i looked over and saw this guy, and just shrugged it off and continued walking to my car. apparently upset that his "insult" hadn't landed (remember, iraqi =/= iranian) he followed me as i walked repeating that line, as well as "get out of my country." "who do you think you are buying anything in my country?" "go back to where teh sand is," at first i thought this was the funniest thing ever, but it kept going on (it was a longggg walk to my car in the first place, and this is the one that finally got me, as i got in my car he yelled out "the only difference between you and a n***** is at least we can pretend to like n******s"

now i know he's homeless, and i should give him a pass and ignore him, but [censored] it.

me: at least i don't live under an overpass
hobo: you got somethin to say to me, terrorist?
me: ya, i left half of a starbucks frappucino in the trash back there, go fish it out and have lunch with this iraqi's leftovers

i then drove off, half in astonishment, half laughing.

mspaints to come if i feel inclined
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