Thread: am i a tellbox?
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Old 10-15-2007, 09:39 AM
ExaMeter ExaMeter is offline
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Default am i a tellbox?

hey folks,
i went to the casino for the first time ever yesterday. the table was filled with bad old nits and some donors. nobody being close to where i am poker knowledgewise. im in germany fwiw so i didnt expect good players to sit at the table in the first place.
with nits i mean postflop nits. calling or checking with T9ss on a three spade board because they might run into a bigger flush and all kinda stuff like that. i guess some of them made their living from playing ubertight postflop while waiting for the occasional clueless degen to donate.
after about an hour all of the "regs" (nits) pretty much realized that i knew what i was doing, even though i made some calldowns which they would have never made. had to get used to being up against good hands all the time, since most of those dudes never bluffed. ever.

problem: i ran pretty hot and hit 3 sets in the course of at most 150 hands. whenever i had a hand i acted rather quickly (subconciously i guess) and was paid off almost never. i cant recall an ai for a pot bigger than 200bb the whole evening fwiw. i did play aggressive smallball and picked up lots of smallish pots, semibluffing quite a bit. when i was semibluffing with decent equity i acted the same as when i had a hand cause i was subconsciously aware that my hand was indeed pretty ok and i had huge fe which made the whole play +ev. therefore those semibluffs worked the same way since i acted the same as when i had a strong made hand.
i could totally own this table if i was able to stone bluff without making it obvious for all the guys that i indded was fos while in the same time not look strong when i have a hand.
fwiw i once c/c with some draw (forgot exact hand) against the live one at the table who tried to be the bully (he was bluffing a lot)
i donked about halfpot into him on the river expecting him fold his presumed weakish hand (i showed down only good hands so far)
he thought for quite awhile and a tried to maintain absolutely stiff and dont do anything to give away a tell. he called showing TP Ace with an 8 kicker on a 3 straight but not really dangerous board right after i swallowed the spit that accumulated in mouth over the last minute or so. i was pretty sure that this choking gave it away. maybe he just called since he hit his Ace and was a donk anyways but im not sure how to stay the same no matter my hand.

tl;dr cliffs: tell me how to not give tells away and keep consistent body language no matter my hand
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