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Old 10-25-2007, 04:20 PM
CoopDaddy1 CoopDaddy1 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 13
Default Vegas Trip Report - Bellagio/Caesar\'s/Venetian

The night before Vegas, I decided to play a lot of poker online. I pretty much lost every single sitngo I entered and donked off money in every cash game I played. KaBlaaaaaaaam! $1,300 down the drain! Okay, now that I have that out of my system, let's go to Vegas!

I started off playing the $550 event on Thursday at Caesar's Palace. I hung in there for a while, but lost a flip at a crucial time and busted in 75th-ish place - 45 places paid. Whoops! I then proceeded to donk off $300 playing craps! Whoopsy!

Talk about starting off in a hole! Luckily, I was able to turn things around. Here are three of my poker highlights.

1. My quad 2's vs. a full house for approx a $1k pot at the Bellagio 15/30 LHE game.
2. My straight flush vs. a smaller flush and a full house for a $1.1k pot at the Bellagio 15/30 LHE game
3. My quad 10's vs. a flush and full house for a $1.2k pot at the Venetian 2/5 NLHE game.

I lost a little bit overall with craps and won a few hundred overall at blackjack. Including Poker, Craps, and Blackjack - I finished up almost $3k after expenses. Was a pretty good trip!

General thoughts...


- The 2/5 NLHE game at the Venetian was reasonably soft. I was up around $700 at one point in my session, but gave a lot of it back. I ended up $200+ for that 5-ish hour session.

- The 15/30 LHE game at the Bellagio was so super-soft I can't even put it into words. There was a nice mix of locals and tourists. I cannot believe how BAD many of the Bellagio regulars are. The thing is that they think they are so good! My buddy and I just tore that game up big time. I wish we could have played it more. We tried to play during peak times when the money is the easiest which is generally from 8pm to 6am.

I played two of those sessions and killed it. The first session I profited $1,400 while the second session was a little better profiting $1,900. It was just a sick run. I got good cards and played good. A deadly combination.

We treated ourselves to the Bellagio buffet after one of our big sessions. I had filet mignon, sushi, shrimp, smoked trout, and some other sides. It was very good. We also at at PF Changs too. That was my first time going there and it was very good as well. I enjoyed it very much, especially considering we usually eat out there on the cheap.

I've been back for four days and still don't have a desire to play online. I'm sure that will change in a few days. I did bite the bullet and bought the kids a Schwinn Stealth 1000 battery-powered scooter with my new funny money for $350! It is such a joy to see Ally's face accompanied by a mischievous giggle while she's cruising 17 mph down the street!

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