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Old 09-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: on caffeine (bad) and cayenne (good)

Supposedly people who drink coffee are 40% less likely to get cirrhosis of the liver, as well as less likely to get some other liver problems.

I used to think caffeine was basically evil, and I still think it's a drug and should be given respect accordingly when you consume it, but I've read enough positive speculations over the years that I've changed my mind.

Re: cayenne and chili peppers, they are supposedly great for you, but I wonder if more than a tiny percentage of people get anywhere near enough to make a difference. For instance, I think I read that chili peppers have even more vitamin C than oranges, but who is going to eat a chili pepper the size of a baseball, or enough smaller ones to simulate that size, to get that huge vitamin C benefit? I love spicy food, but by weight, I can't go through too many. What's the effective "dose" of cayenne or chili peppers per day to make any difference to someone's health?

Also, how fresh does it have to be? I'm sure plenty of cayenne powder sits around for years.
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