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Old 12-01-2007, 08:03 PM
JuntMonkey JuntMonkey is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
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Default Re: nice lil oldie (bad larrys)

BAD BEAT at the 10-20

I wandered down to the place by the lake, near the Shilo Inn, to
participate in a little 10-20. Here's what happened....

I get the 4-seat in what looks to be rock garden, but the fun is about
to begin. 3 hands in, I'm 4 left of the button, and this transpires:

I'm dealt bandanas. It's called to me, I raise it. Goes on call, raise,
call, raise, cap. Called capped all the way around, and I'm
thinking "Sweet!" Flop comes down a potpourri, and I've got the nuts.
Comes raised to me, I re-raise, winds up capped with *7* callers. Yes,
seven. I don't know what to think. I'm a little nervous about 6-seat.
I've seen him before, and he's a cold rock. I don't know what to put
him at. Wired handbags? Inside edge? Green Hornet draw? I just don't
know. Initially, I would've thought rockets... but he wasn't sitting up
straight enough.

8-seat is also familiar, but I know her style. I put her on Caracas
Maracas and not worry about her; she'll call to the river; free money.
2-seat's hands are actually SHAKING as he bets. He's obviously got a
Michigan going on, and that worries me a little bit... so I try to
scare him off and put him on tilt by pulling off the famous "try to re-
raise the cap". He doesn't fall for it -- not even a flinch. Could be

I'm not even sure what I want to see on the turn. You're probably
thinking a black Pollyanna would lock this up, but keep in mind that
there are still a lot of unknowns going on -- it could easily help
someone else just as much.

Anyway, not to worry... the turn: RED RAG. You should've seen the look
on 3 and 5 seats. It was comical. Well, there's two gone at least.

Quick betting, and once again it's capped, but only 4 left. Me, 2-seat,
6-seat and 8-seat. Now it gets interesting. RIVER: black flamingo. Even
the dealer was amused.

It comes checked all the way to me. What can I do... I bet it. It then
gets RAISED... FOLD, FOLD. Yes! 2-seat folded. Man, I'd love to know
what he had. Anyone hazard a guess?? After the turn, I'd thought he was
trying to catch a flag coming off third, but clearly that was way off.
Anyway, that's a whole discussion on its own.

Back to me, and just 6-seat left. Me and him, mano a mano. Again, what
can I do? RE-RAISE! And, believe it or not, he RAISED IT RIGHT BACK AT
ME. What can you do?? I mucked it, and he took it down. I still can't
believe it.

Thinking back, there are a couple of things that come to mind. For one,
had I been a little more aggressive earlier on, I may have managed to
get myself all in -- and that could've forced a showdown and avoided
this whole experience.

Or maybe, when you've got 7 callers, you just know to get the hell out,
no matter what you have.

Let this be a lesson!!


Edit: Original thread I think:
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