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Old 11-26-2007, 01:23 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Texas to offer Vouchers for new cars - more Corporate Welfare

Texas to offer Vouchers for new cars

Texas wants to get Federal "Clean Air Credits". They will offer subsidies for people who have old cars who are more likely pollute. Originally, it was only aimed at cars made before 1995 that did not meet current standards. It is only available for those with lower incomes ($61,950 for a family of four. Individuals at $30,630). They get $3,000 to buy any 2 year or younger car and $3,500 if its a hybrid.

Of course, the big winner in this is all the car companies. The person behind this gets huge contributions from car dealerships. You will notice that although the intent is good (get off polluting vehicles for clean cars), the rules were carefully changed to benefit the dealers. The dealers will also administer the program! Under the current rules, I could trade in a 1997 Honda Accord and buy an SUV that pollutes even more, and get a subsidy (which will of course boost sales).

Almost every single one of these "do-gooder" programs that sounds good on the surface is so directly manipulated by those with access to the politicians that it is almost always a direct transfer to those who have the power from those who do not.
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