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Old 11-20-2007, 04:56 PM
octopi octopi is offline
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Default Re: Childhood abuse stories

I spent a lot of time in daycare from ages 7-10. Mostly I was a loner kid, reading a lot, or playing on the swings. One girl was pretty obsessed with becoming my friend. She was ADD and hyperactive, had crazy [censored] up teeth and always complained that she had no daddy and was going to steal mine.

You can see my reservations in becoming her friend.

Anyhow, one day I wouldn't let her check out my new "My Little Pony" and so she bit me, hard. She was sent home and I don't remember if I interacted much with her after. My brother told me he remembers plotting revenge, but obviously I was too nice to follow through.

Later that year my family moved to England anyhow, and I did not think of crazy girl for over a decade. Then about three years ago, I was at an afterhours club. You know. THE ONES WHERE PEOPLE DO DRUGS, I mean, DANCE, ALL NIGHT. This chick comes up to me and starts freaking out "OHMIGOD OHMIGOD Are you Kelly???" and just flips out.

Yeah, it was freaky biter chick. Still had the [censored] up teeth, ADD, weighed about 85 pounds and now had a nasty meth addiction. I gave her a ride home in the morning and wished her well. I haven't seen her since. I figured we were pretty much even after that.

Another good one is when I was going to an international school in Abu Dhabi. The American and Canadian kids tended stuck close together. I hadn't really been around an actual school atmosphere for almost 2 years, after being home schooled, and wasn't really aware of the social constructs of junior high. There were three guys from Alberta and Texas in my class, and they used to be buddy buddy with me and I thought we were good friends.

Until one day in Arabic class the teacher left for a minute and they tied my shoelaces to my chair and tipped the chair over. Everyone just sort of ignored me flailing on the floor and eventually I untied my laces and went to go cry in the bathroom.

I think most of these things happened because I was (and still am) a runt.
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