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Old 09-20-2007, 11:17 AM
SlowHabit SlowHabit is offline
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Default Re: I\'m likely just a nit

You're not a nit; cops that do piss the hell out of me because it's dangerous. Probability states that accidents are bound to happen.

Now, a story that might bring a smile to the nits' faces. I was getting gas at Chevron with Techron at a busy intersection when suddenly, I heard a loud noise. I turned my head and saw a police car in collusion with regular car. Long story short, the regular car was trying to pass the yellow light and the police turned on his sirens to make a left turn. GG.

I felt the cop deserve it for pulling this kind of shiet. However, I started feeling bad when I saw an old cop near retirement limping up and down the street lighting those small candles in the street so cars can avoid the accident area.
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