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Old 04-06-2007, 01:34 PM
BruinEric BruinEric is offline
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Location: Southern California
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Default Re: Private blog or blog from blogging service?

Thanks! The process is so easy I've started a second blog and I have adsense on both of them. I don't think I've made any money yet, I will be checking daily to see if I make any : ) What are some basic ways of generating traffic without spamming?

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The _BEST_ way to generate traffic is to have good content, which will be found via search engines, organic links from other bloggers, etc.

After you get some early good content, consider some other "white hat" means to generate traffic and improve search ranking. If you want schemes and methods such as link exchange, keyword seeding, etc -- check out the many freebie "SEO" resources out there.

Examples of quality (not quantity at first) traffic generators:

-Create a commenter login on sites that allow your profile (or better your name) to have an embedded http: link and comment on your favorite other blogs.

-Link to other blogs in the body of your posting (when its relevant). Many of those blogs will notice your "trackback" and it will be listed.

-Good _ORIGINAL_ content that gets linked elsewhere. Were you playing at a casino and a celebrity drops in? Take a pic and host a story. This is blogging beyond the usual "rant o' the day."
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